Becoming An SLRP Coach | Student-Led Restorative Practices

Once certified, certification as an SLRP Coach lasts for three years and requires a deep understanding of the Student-Led Restorative Practices framework, the ability to demonstrate that understanding in practice, and the ability to support district- and school-based restorative practices teams through its implementation. These competencies are revealed through demonstrations of learning regarding:

  1. Restorative Knowledge (RK 1-10)
  2. Restorative Skill (RS 1-7)
  3. Restorative Mindset (RM 1-4)
  4. Coaching Knowledge (CK 1-7)
  5. Coaching Skill (CS 1-7)
  6. Coaching Mindset (CM 1-6)

Unless there is a demonstration of learning (DoL) defined in the competency, each competency type relies on a default DoL. The default DoL for knowledge competencies is a one page writing. The default DoL for skills competencies is a written or video artifact. The default DoL for mindset competencies is coach observation with rubric. Alternative DoLs can be determined by a Senior Coach.

Restorative Knowledge
  1. Distinguish between adult inputs (intention) and student outcomes (impact)
  2. Distinguish between adult led and student led
  3. Distinguish between restorative and retributive
  4. Distinguish between observation and interpretation
  5. Distinguish between feelings and thoughts
  6. Communicate the relationship between feelings and needs
  7. Define self-regulation, metacognition, active listening, empathy, accountability, and responsibility
  8. Define belonging, connection, repair
  9. Distinguish between Community Circles, Mediation Circles, and Restorative Circle
  10. Individually summarize learnings from each of the following SLRP recommended readings:
    1. Our Tools They Deserve, airick journey crabill: Chapters 1, 7, 8, 9 and 10
    2. Non-Violent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg
    3. Implementing Restorative Practices In Schools, Margaret Thorsborne, & Peta Blood
    4. Better Than Carrots Or Sticks, Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, & Nancy Frey
    5. How To Do Restorative Peer Mediation In Your School, Bill Hansberry, & Christie-Lee Hansberry
    6. Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect, Cooperation, and Responsibility in the Classroom, Ron Claassen & Roxanne Claassen
Restorative Skill
  1. Communicate the difference between inputs, outputs, outcomes, and why it matters
  2. Communicate the difference between adult outcomes and student outcomes, and why it matters
  3. Conduct a quarterly self evaluation for at least 3 different schools
  4. Demonstrate Awareness/Acknowledgement/Aligned-Action (accountability & responsibility)
  5. Demonstrate Self Connection Practice (self-regulation & metacognition)
  6. Demonstrate Interpersonal Connection Practice (active listening & empathy)
  7. Individually summarize learnings from each of the following SLRP recommended readings:
    1. Our Tools They Deserve, airick journey crabill: Chapters 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
    2. Circle Forward: Building A Restorative School Community, Kay Pranis & Carolyn Boyes-Watson
Restorative Mindset
  1. Communicate why education exists
  2. Communicate the intention behind maximization
  3. Complete at least 3 SLRP mindset practices
  4. Individually summarize learnings from each of the following ESB recommended readings:
    1. Our Tools They Deserve, airick journey crabill: Introduction and Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6
    2. Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute
    3. Immunity To Change, Robert Kegan & Lisa Lahey
Coaching Knowledge
  1. Distinguish between inputs, outputs, and outcomes
  2. Distinguish between low and high quality goals
  3. Distinguish between low and high quality interim goals
  4. Summarize observations of at least 2 SLRP workshops (ideally that are led by at least 2 different SLRP coaches)
  5. Summarize the similarities and differences of the student code of conduct/student discipline systems for school systems from five different states
  6. Summarize the similarities and differences of the statutory frameworks concerning student discipline for school boards for five different states
  7. Individually summarize learnings from each of the following five SLRP recommended readings:
    1. Four Disciplines of Execution, Chris McChesney & Sean Covey
    2. The Big Book of Restorative Justice, Howard Zehr
    3. Never Split The Difference, Chris Voss
Coaching Skill
  1. Create a draft implementation timeline
  2. Create a draft set of goals and interim goals
  3. Facilitate at least 2 conversations on Restorative Knowledge 1-10 without a script
  4. Facilitate at least 2 conversations on Restorative Skills 1-7 without a script
  5. Train others in the use of SCP & ICP
  6. Create a 1-3 page coaching recommendations memo for an RLT based on observations than span at least 3 months
  7. Participate, under the guidance of a certified SLRP Coach, in the support of at least three schools
Coaching Mindset
  1. Complete at least 5 SLRP mindset practices within 14 days
  2. Complete a Mindset workshop
  3. Communicate the intention behind, “I as Genesis”
  4. Communicate the intention behind, “Integrity as Access”
  5. Facilitate at least 2 conversations on Restorative Mindset 1-4 and Coaching Mindset 1-4 without a script
  6. Facilitate at least 1 SLRP 2-day adult orientation or a 3-day student orientation
    1. Integrity: Being your word
    2. Knowledge/Skill: Being accurate about the material
    3. Skill/Mindset: Being a safe and firm guide to support participant self-reflection

For more information, please contact us.