Once certified, certification as an SLRP Coach lasts for three years and requires a deep understanding of the Student-Led Restorative Practices framework, the ability to demonstrate that understanding in practice, and the ability to support district- and school-based restorative practices teams through its implementation. These competencies are revealed through demonstrations of learning regarding:
- Restorative Knowledge (RK 1-10)
- Restorative Skill (RS 1-7)
- Restorative Mindset (RM 1-4)
- Coaching Knowledge (CK 1-7)
- Coaching Skill (CS 1-7)
- Coaching Mindset (CM 1-6)
Unless there is a demonstration of learning (DoL) defined in the competency, each competency type relies on a default DoL. The default DoL for knowledge competencies is a one page writing. The default DoL for skills competencies is a written or video artifact. The default DoL for mindset competencies is coach observation with rubric. Alternative DoLs can be determined by a Senior Coach.
Restorative Knowledge
- Distinguish between adult inputs (intention) and student outcomes (impact)
- Distinguish between adult led and student led
- Distinguish between restorative and retributive
- Distinguish between observation and interpretation
- Distinguish between feelings and thoughts
- Communicate the relationship between feelings and needs
- Define self-regulation, metacognition, active listening, empathy, accountability, and responsibility
- Define belonging, connection, repair
- Distinguish between Community Circles, Mediation Circles, and Restorative Circle
- Individually summarize learnings from each of the following SLRP recommended readings:
- Our Tools They Deserve, airick journey crabill: Chapters 1, 7, 8, 9 and 10
- Non-Violent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg
- Implementing Restorative Practices In Schools, Margaret Thorsborne, & Peta Blood
- Better Than Carrots Or Sticks, Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, & Nancy Frey
- How To Do Restorative Peer Mediation In Your School, Bill Hansberry, & Christie-Lee Hansberry
- Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect, Cooperation, and Responsibility in the Classroom, Ron Claassen & Roxanne Claassen
Restorative Skill
- Communicate the difference between inputs, outputs, outcomes, and why it matters
- Communicate the difference between adult outcomes and student outcomes, and why it matters
- Conduct a quarterly self evaluation for at least 3 different schools
- Demonstrate Awareness/Acknowledgement/Aligned-Action (accountability & responsibility)
- Demonstrate Self Connection Practice (self-regulation & metacognition)
- Demonstrate Interpersonal Connection Practice (active listening & empathy)
- Individually summarize learnings from each of the following SLRP recommended readings:
- Our Tools They Deserve, airick journey crabill: Chapters 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
- Circle Forward: Building A Restorative School Community, Kay Pranis & Carolyn Boyes-Watson
Restorative Mindset
- Communicate why education exists
- Communicate the intention behind maximization
- Complete at least 3 SLRP mindset practices
- Individually summarize learnings from each of the following ESB recommended readings:
- Our Tools They Deserve, airick journey crabill: Introduction and Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6
- Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute
- Immunity To Change, Robert Kegan & Lisa Lahey
Coaching Knowledge
- Distinguish between inputs, outputs, and outcomes
- Distinguish between low and high quality goals
- Distinguish between low and high quality interim goals
- Summarize observations of at least 2 SLRP workshops (ideally that are led by at least 2 different SLRP coaches)
- Summarize the similarities and differences of the student code of conduct/student discipline systems for school systems from five different states
- Summarize the similarities and differences of the statutory frameworks concerning student discipline for school boards for five different states
- Individually summarize learnings from each of the following five SLRP recommended readings:
- Four Disciplines of Execution, Chris McChesney & Sean Covey
- The Big Book of Restorative Justice, Howard Zehr
- Never Split The Difference, Chris Voss
Coaching Skill
- Create a draft implementation timeline
- Create a draft set of goals and interim goals
- Facilitate at least 2 conversations on Restorative Knowledge 1-10 without a script
- Facilitate at least 2 conversations on Restorative Skills 1-7 without a script
- Train others in the use of SCP & ICP
- Create a 1-3 page coaching recommendations memo for an RLT based on observations than span at least 3 months
- Participate, under the guidance of a certified SLRP Coach, in the support of at least three schools
Coaching Mindset
- Complete at least 5 SLRP mindset practices within 14 days
- Complete a Mindset workshop
- Communicate the intention behind, “I as Genesis”
- Communicate the intention behind, “Integrity as Access”
- Facilitate at least 2 conversations on Restorative Mindset 1-4 and Coaching Mindset 1-4 without a script
- Facilitate at least 1 SLRP 2-day adult orientation or a 3-day student orientation
- Integrity: Being your word
- Knowledge/Skill: Being accurate about the material
- Skill/Mindset: Being a safe and firm guide to support participant self-reflection
For more information, please contact us.