Glossary | Student-Led Restorative Practices

Affective Statements/Questions: Ways of talking about or inquiring about behavior that describe the feelings the behavior triggered. Affective statements and questions help distinguish the person from the behavior. For example, “When you did , I felt " or "When they did , did you feel ?"

Author: Person(s) whose behavior created harm for a Receiver. Related: Restorative Circle, Receiver

Baseline: The measure’s agreed starting point. Used for comparing and monitoring growth. Related: Deadline, Population, SMART, Target

Mediation Circle: A restorative practice where conflict is identified, the Conflictants are identified and connected, and where a restorative agreement is reached to meet the unmet needs revealed by the conflict. Related: Community Circle, Restorative Circle

Community Circle: A restorative practice used routinely to create connection within a group of participants. Related: Mediation Circle, Restorative Circle

Conflictant: Person(s) involved in a conflict. Related: Mediation Circle

Deadline: Date by when the measure will reach the target. Related: Baseline, Population, SMART, Target

Faux Feeling: An idea about what we think others are. Related: Feeling, Thought

Feeling: An emotional or physical experience you are having. Related: Faux Feeling, Thought

Interim Goal: Specific graph-plottable indicators used to determine if the goal is likely to be met or not. Interim goals are SMART (include a baseline, target, population, and deadline), predictive of the goal and influenceable by the RLT. It is recommended that the RLT selects one to three interim goals per goal. Related: Baseline, Deadline, Population, SMART, Target

Harm: Created when an agreement is broken such that there is now an Author and a Receiver. Related: Author, Receiver

Influenceable: Suggests that the RLT has authority over roughly 80% of whatever the interim goal is measuring. Related: Interim Goal, Predictive

Interpretation: An assessment, judgment, or opinion about an observation. Related: Observation

Observation: A noticing of what has measurably happened. Related: Interpretation

Peer Facilitator: Students who have been trained to lead restorative practices.

Population: The group of students who will be impacted and/or who are being measured. Related: Baseline, Deadline, SMART, Target

Predictive: Suggests that there is some evidence of a correlation between the interim goal and the goal. Related: Interim Goal, Influenceable

Receiver: Person(s) who experienced harm created by an Author. Related: Author, Restorative Circle

Restorative Agreement: A document signed by all participants that uses SMART goals to describe how, in response to conflict or harm, unmet needs will be met/repaired. Related: Conflict, Harm, SMART

Restorative Circle: A restorative practice where harm is identified, the Author(s) and Receiver(s) of harm are identified and connected, and where a restorative agreement is reached to repair/meet the unmet needs created by the harm. Related: Author, Community Circle, Mediation Circle, Receiver, Restorative Agreement, Restorative Practice

Restorative Justice: Any behavior system that utilizes restorative practices as the primary – and often secondary and tertiary – tiers of intervention. Related: Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice: Any individual or community responses to conflict or harm that are focused on repairing/meeting the unmet needs of the individuals and community. When implemented as intended, restorative practices tend to heal trauma. Related: Retributive Practice

Restorative Leadership Team (RLT): Group of individuals on a campus or in a district who facilitate restorative practices. Ideally the RLT includes students, staff, and community members.

Retributive Practice: Any individual or community responses to conflict or harm that are primarily focused on identifying and punishing the creators of conflict or harm. When implemented as intended, retributive practices tend to sustain trauma. Related: Restorative Practice

SMART: An acronym, generally relating to goal setting, for specific, measurable, attainable, results-focused, and time-bound. To be SMART, goals ideally contain a baseline, a target, a deadline, and a population. Related: Baseline, Deadline, Population, Target

Target: The measure’s desired future state. Related: Baseline, Deadline, Population, SMART

Thought (expressed as a feeling): An idea about what we think we are. Related: Faux Feeling, Feeling

Trauma: Created when stress exceeds a person’s external and internal coping resources.